Our Music program invites campers to learn, play, move, and shake! Campers not only develop their choral singing skills but also engage in hands-on musical activities like drumming, ensuring that each child has the opportunity to actively participate. By exploring musical notation and the storytelling power of lyrics, campers experience the magic of music while discovering styles from around the world.
The program culminates in a lively musical performance at Open House, where campers proudly share their newfound skills with family and friends.
As neuroscientist Gottfried Schlaug explains, “Musicians acquire and continuously practice a variety of complex motor, auditory, and multimodal skills, such as translating visually perceived musical symbols into motor commands while simultaneously monitoring instrumental output and receiving multi-sensory feedback. Research has demonstrated that music training in children results in long-term enhancement of visual-spatial, verbal, and mathematical performance.”
By engaging in music, campers strengthen their cognitive abilities while having fun, building confidence, and creating lasting memories!